My fellow Americans, legal immigrants, and undocumented workers! This year presidential elections will present a watershed in the history of our country as well as in the history of the world. This November the people of United States of America will decide what kind of the country they want to live in. The country, in which they take personal moral responsibility for their own lives, lives of their children and their parents, or the country, in which they delegate this responsibility to governmental bureaucrats. The country of the later kind has been in the making for most of the last 100 years, with several interruptions, so all the structures are in place to complete its construction. President Obama and his supporters will achieve this goal and irreversibly change the very nature of American society shall he be re-elected in November. To fundamentally change America was what he set out to do four years ago, this is what he publicly promised to the forces who brought him to power. The vision offered by the president might appear attractive to many people. After all, who does not want to live in society, in which all the hungry are fed, all the sick are being cared for, all children are given excellent free education, everyone has all they need, the air is free from pollution, the climate does not change, and humans live in peace and harmony with all other living species on the Earth. But what is the price that we are willing to pay to achieve this Utopia?
The common wisdom of pundits and political class is that these elections are about economy and jobs. It is true that our economy struggles and our people suffer from lack of jobs. But I think that our society suffers from a more serious problem and that our economic stagnation is just one of its many consequences. What ills us the most is that the moral fabric of our society is strained to its limit and started showing gaps and holes. Just look around and you see moral degradation everywhere. It can be seen in small actions of individuals and extremely consequential steps of large businesses. Our students do not feel ashamed anymore to cheat on tests, but what is even worse is that some of our teachers find it morally permissible to cheat for their students. And even worse than that, we are not treating this occurence as shameful moral failure of teaching profession, but trying instead to find excuses for them and shift the blame to somebody else. Our bankers do not feel any moral restraints in squandering money of their clients while pretending to "serve" them. And what do we do? We bail them out. Our journalists find it acceptable to fabricate stories to advance their own carriers, and are ready to bend their principles to promote political agendas they are subscribed to. Corruption among our political class reached gigantic proportions. Our young women use their children as a tool to finance their leisure life style with handouts from the government, and instead of admonishing them, we find all kind of reasons why it is somebody else's fault. Our businessmen prefer to use their connections in the government to develop their businesses instead of relying on their brains and knowledge and hard work to offer better products to their customers. Moral erosion, unfortunately, reached all levels of our society, and those who benefit from it will fight till bitter end to keep their privileges.
It did not happen overnight. The forces tearing apart our society have been at work for a rather long time. This moral degradation is one of the unintended consequences of social policies imposed on us by multiple administrations over last century. Over this time period at least a part of our society got accustomed to the paternalistic view of the role of government. We statrted more and more to rely on government for rearing and educating our children, for providing medical services for us, for our retirement planning, for funding our businesses, for assistance in unfavorable business environment. We relinquished our moral responsibilities when we delegated to government to do what used to be our own duty. We stopped taking care of our elders because we entrusted government to do it for us. Equally, we became much less involved in lives of our children because government convinced us that we should trust our children to it. We even stopped taking care of ourselves because we became convinced that it is government's responsibility as well. We stopped looking for better ways to serve our clients and innovate in our businesses because we find it easier to bribe a politician and have him squash our competition for us, or give us a favorable loan, or bail us out, when we make stupid risky decisions. We do not worry about consequences of our decisions anymore because no matter what, the government will come and rescue us. All this is, first of all, the moral failures of us as people, which resulted from our willingness to neglect our own moral responsibilities.
Do you think that these words are too harsh for someone who hopes to get your votes in November. May be. But in these desperate times those who want to lead must have courage to tell people the truth as they see it. False praises to the greatness of our country and our people will only result in further irreparable decay and destruction. O, yes, our country used to be great, and it still can return to its glory, but we must wake up from the lethargy and see what is becoming of us. I believe that there are still enough people in this country who are seeing the truth, and that there are many others whose minds are open and flexible enough to recognize that the gods they were taught to worship are false gods. I believe that if all good and honest people, even those who might have been misled by decades of brainwashing and propaganda, come together, we shall be able to overcome those who are bent on destruction of this country in order to fulfill their utopian dreams and the thirst for power. I am ready to be the leader of this movement, and this is why I am running for the President. I am positive that there are still many honest, hard working people in this country, who take pride in their own achievements, who find it immoral to get ahead in life by cheating or by taking stuff from others using the power of government, those who do build their businesses, spend sleepless nights studying, inventing, serving in the military, teaching in schools and universities, planting crops, making discoveries, sending shuttles in space, exploring. These people, no matter what the color of their skin is or what their religious believes are, or if they are legally or illegally in this country, these people are mine constituents, and it is for their sake I am running for the President.
President Obama will tell you that I promote individualism and that this is not an American way. He will tell you that we, Americans, always take care of each other. Well, I am an individualist, in the sense that I believe in the power of an individual to make decisions about his or her life without government intervention. I believe that we, as individuals, are capable in most cases come to agreement with each other without "help" from government and freely trade our skills and fruits of our labor. I agree with the president that it is an American tradition to take care of your neighbor, but I disagree with his implicit suggestion that taking care of one's neighbor must involve government bueracracy. Obama and his supporters believe that our communities are not capable of helping those of us who are in need without government involvement. By doing so they are diminishing hundreds of years of charitable work done by many Americans. By giving our communities false hopes that government can help them, they are destroying charitable initiative of our citizens. For some reasons they believe that it is more moral to depend on government for help when you are in need than to accept help from your neighbors. Nothing can be more perverted than this. Government can help only by taking money from other people by force, and how can it be moral to accept funds attained through coercion? Neighbors, on the other hand, help because they feel moral obligation to do so voluntarily. There is no shame in accepting help given with open heart and willingly. Americans are generous people, and they are ready to help those who need help, and they will be happy to do it as soon as government gets out of the way. By restoring morality of our society we will be able to move forward as free succesfull people while providing social safety net to week and ill. To achieve this will be the main objective of my presidency.